Weather for location of calendar event

Working on an at a glance widget for my phone, does anyone have a formula to obtain the weather for the location of an upcoming calendar event, Iif this needs tasker, I have very little experience so help is appreciated!

no need for tasker try $ci(loc,0)$ 0 in function corresponds with the next event list number for example 0 is next then 1 is even after 0 and so on…

I’m sorry, I think there is some confusion, I mean the weather, , like the cloudy, rainy, and sunny stuff

Well in KLWP Settings you can configure up to four locations. If your calendar locations stay constant then you should be able to get the weather at one of those locations by creating a Global for the locations (e.g. gv(loc) is 1,2,3 and 4). Then you can create an Overlap Group for each of the four locations, or fewer, and in the Layer tab select Alternate Location 1 or 2 or 3 as required.

So that Overlap Group becomes visible (from the Layer tab) if gv(loc)=2 then Overlap Group Location 2 displays whatever information you want to display.

With some work and experimenting you should be able to trigger the display by combining the values of the calendar event ci(loc) and comparing with the li(loc) and/or li(admin) values. An easier route, at least until you work out the above, would be to use a manual Touch trigger to display the specific event location.

If your event locations are changing frequently like a long distance truck driver rather than a pilot on a repeating route so you need more than four locations, then it would get even more complicated. I think it could be done using Tasker to download the weather from or similar, and then sending the result as variables to KLWP for display.

Someone else may have a simpler, cleaner method but in any case, it’s all possible and just requires some trial-and-error experimenting.

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oops sorry read wrongly

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