Tasker broadcast to KWCH not working

In editor broadcast tasker variables to KWCH works fine, but the data does not arrive on the watch. E. g a text field to show a broadcasted value stays empty.

This is currently not possible since KWCH does not auto-sync data to the watch. I believe Frank is already working on this.

This is not fixed YET

I have the same problem. The information obtained through Tasker appears in the smartphone editor but does not appear on the watch.

This is now fixed in 3.75, new beta is available via manual download at:

doesn’t work for me with Version 3.75b405118beta.
even the text preview field stays empty. the formula is still $br(tasker, Variable)$ right?

Formula is right, are you using KWCH plugin on Tasker? Can you remove the task and create it again? Also you need to be sure that KWCH service on the phone is working (but if you have the editor on it should) AND that you have synced (it might not work in the editor if you havent synced the preset on the phone)

for testing, i created everything from scratch now - fresh install on phone and watch (both latest beta), new kwch, new task, synced manually…
it shows in the editor now, but still not on the watch.

I have uploaded a new release, Play Store is approving it should be there in 1/2 days its already available via manual download

thanks, I’ll report back

update: new version didn’t fix it unfortunately

which device are you using?

skagen falster 3 - wear os 2.45
google pixel 4a - android 13

both a bit outdated, do you think that’s the reason?

so am i the only one or can anyone confirm?

I am still investigating this issue

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