Spotify cover art blank if offline. Workaround?

So I’m back to using Kustom after a while and I noticed that, for music widgets/elements where I show the album art, if the player is Spotify, mi(cover) is now supplying a URL (something…) for the cover art image instead of the kuri:// that we get if the player is YouTube or literally any other player.

I don’t know if it’s specific to my device but I notice that it can take up to 5 seconds to load a new cover when tracks change (if it’s loading at all), when it is almost instantaneous if the covers are sourced “locally”, which is the case for other music players. Not only that, but if I’m offline, Spotify covers do not load at all. Covers do get cached but they are cleared after a reboot.

My problem is that I’m often offline so I run into blank white placeholders more often than I see cover arts.

So I’m wondering if there is a workaround to get the kuri back for Spotify specifically.

Or is there a way to detect the loading state of the cover art (if it’s loaded or not) so that I can display an image of my choice if it’s not loading. I don’t want to base this on the connectivity state of the device (whether it’s connected to wifi/mobile data or not).

Thank you.