My Slideshow doesn’t work anymore!
I use $tu(rndimg, 2, “/sdcard/Documents/Slides”)$ as formula, has worked for years, now shows nothing.
Tried $tu(rndimg, 2, “file:///Documents/Slides”)$, still nothing…
This may be due to an access issue in the newer versions of Android. Try to move your images inside the Kustom folder and do something like this:
$tu(rndimg, 2, “/Kustom/pictures”)$
It works! Strange I had no updates recently…
I’m having this same issue after a factory reset. All permissions have been granted
Can you share the formula that you’re using here?
$tu(rndimg, 5, “/folder location inside of Kustom Folder”)$
When I reinstalled KLWP, the function no longer worked and would only return a grey screen (default color when background is set to ‘Solid’). The editor will ‘display’ the random image in the text preview area of the formula, but the actual image won’t show up on the main editor or my phone background. All I get is a grey screen. This said, if I just use a single image from the same folder without the slideshow formula, the image will populate.
I also tried going away of using the background and using the same formula within a shape or image and still nothing.
I have gone as far as removing all data, leaving beta, uninstalling/reinstalling many times. I even did a 2nd factory reset on the phone and have the same issues. I enabled all permissions for KLWP and still no slideshow.
Did you use the format below for the file path?
FYI, just for testing I removed the ‘klwp’ and moved everything to /storage/emulated/0/Kustom/Backs and for the same result.
Try to use the formula below granting your main storage is pointing to the Kustom folder and not KLWP:
$tu(rndimg, 1, “/Kustom/Backs”)$
oh wow, that worked!!! Thank you, I been at this for over a week!!