Screen Time Widget (WIP)

I never liked the Screen Time Widget in Nothing OS. However due to the difficulty in getting accurate SoT Info for the day, I ended up using the Digital Wellbeing widget for sometime. However, recently I found this app (screen time) that displays daily SoT as a notification. So I decided to make one. Am also using a tasker+autonotification task to write daily SoT in a text file so that I can make a graph using historical data. That part is still under WIP. If you don’t want historical info, you can install the above app and use the read notification kode to get today’s SoT. Anyway, will post the Widget with historical data and tasker integration in a few days. And yes, this uses material colors.


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nice color palette looks top notch :ok_hand:. also surprised to see we can’t get screen time in tasker.