Progress bar bug in KWGT

I have a progress bar with using hours (0-24) but when 12:00 am or 00:00 it is not starting from 1at but at 12:59 it get full and 1:00 am it starts new. I have tried only hours option too same happened. I’m using latest bete version

This is actually an expected behavior. The progress bar does an hourly count and starts marking the progress bar at 1. It’s going to look something like this.


Can you help me to get formula for hourly of day with 0 to 24 hours and completed hours progress bar.

Try deducting a value from the graph value… for e.g, if value is even fraction of 1, it may mark as one in graph. So deduct a number from value…

For.e.g. suppose kwgt recognise graph value as one even when the value is 0.50… so deduct 0.50 for graph value… I hope it’s clear…

You can also do a Custom Progress bar with the following Parameters:

Min: 0
Max: 23
Level: Formula - $df(H)$
Sections: 23

This should start empty @ 00:00 and full @ 23:00

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Thank You. I’ll use it.