Preset : Epic Free Games Tracker V6

Hello Kustomers,

This one is gonna be Epic. Rather than giving a long backstory, I will say that I made a game tracker a couple years back, but this one does much more. This is a KWGT preset that displays a number of things about the current free Epic Game that is being offered. This would not have been possible without Lootscraper, a set of RSS feeds and HTML pages generated. Link at bottom.

Thanks to their hard work, I was able to show the following data without the use of an API.

Game Title
Offer Dates
Metacritic Rating
Steam Rating
Steam Recommended by numbers
IGDB Ratings : see ##HIDDEN FOR NOW## group
Cover Art of the current game : Complex globals
Price of game in Euros : will add currency converter hopefully

Still need to add game description, other sources, and genre. I gave up on XML for most of it, but HTML might work with wg() formula

So without further ado, here is a more sustainable Game Tracker


This took a long time and there were several versions. I added the github link to the repository.

Lootscraper Repo

Epic_Free_Games_Tracker_V6.kwgt (195.8 KB)

For reference, the older one from 2023 is here
Epic_Tracker.kwgt (584.0 KB)


V7 of this preset

Added a Metacritic touch action that sends you to the Metacritic site for the current game

Epic_Free_Games_Tracker_V7.kwgt (203.4 KB)

Video of it in action

Adding a touch action for the Steam button seems like it would take a lot of extra work because I would need to hardcode the steam id into a global and add it to the url. For now, this is on hold.

Hope you enjoy

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Version 8

Added gradients to make it pop

Epic_Free_Games_Tracker_V8.kwgt (203.6 KB)

Just a minor update, but it looks a lot more polished

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