No Weather Data on Watch

This may have been brought up already but I cannot get any weather data on my watch face. I figure its a problem with the watch blocking it as it updates just fine in the editor. I’ve tried all of the komponets and whatnot, and all of the weather providers.

Using a Fossil Gen 6 with latest update.

It gives me something when I fix the location to a specific place (instead of using Auto GPS) but it still doesn’t update correctly for me. Really hoping a fix comes soon, since I’m really looking forward to getting to use the watchface I’m cooking up with this.

Thanks for reporting, working on this

Is your watch connected to WiFi or you expect data from the phone?

I’m connected to my phone via Bluetooth - I don’t use WiFi on my watch.

Yeah that’s the issue, this is not yet implemented, I will work on this for the next release

Yah I also don’t use WiFi on my watch, if I did it bring a 24 hour battery down to a 24 minute battery lol

Bluetooth data fetch will be implemented in 3.75

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Weather should update just fine on latest KWCH (3.74b328615 / 0.01b328615)

This is valid ONLY for the weather, you might need to apply again, for anything else using HTTP get you will have to wait for the next release.

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It seems to load for me now, but it doesn’t refresh regularly…? I have a watchface designed which relies on forecast data, which seems to only load when the watchface first loads. To get it to update I always have to change watchfaces and then change back, at which point the data updates.

Even with the latest version? Whenever the phone will get weather data it should update properly, i will check if there is anything i left out (and sorry for the delay)

No worries, and yes, this was with the fully latest version (Play store) on both phone and watch. Unfortunately I ended up having to switch back to my prior watchface as the stale weather data + disappearing ambient display were making it impractical for daily use…I look forward to trying it again though!

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