New Steps Widget [ Updated 07-Nov-2024]

WhatsApp Image 2024-10-12 at 10.46.51_8d683596
WhatsApp Image 2024-10-12 at 10.47.21_e06d04fc

New Steps Data Widget. This will show a cicular progress indicator which will fill up as your steps count increases. Tapping on the widget will switch the pages and second page displays todays step count, heart rate and last 7 days average step count. A small line graph showing last 7 days step count is also included in page 2.

Step data is programmed for those in GMT+5.30 timezone since the default KWGT formula fetches data based on GMT. If your time zone is different, you can accordingly modify the formula in Globals.

Download from ‘Fitness’ Folder… Look for Steps Circle Widget.


Looks awesome as always!

Updated the Steps Circle Widget. Added a third page to show achievement of steps target in past 30 days. If target is achieved, is represented by red dot. The graph has also been enhanced. Added grid lines and also added ability to customise graph via globals. Many parameters can be tweaked easily in globals.


Note: Require companion tasker task which has been uploaded to same Github folder. The task uses a third party plugin which you can download from here: RafhaanShah/TaskerHealthConnect: Android Health Connect Plugin for Tasker



Updated the graph to dynamic scaling. Clicking on the bottom left of the widget will toggle dynamic scaling.

Eg: So if you have logged more than say 10K steps, if you enable dynamic scaling, the base value of graph will shift to 9K instead of 0K. It will make the graph more easily readable. Also aditional gridlines appear if u increase the height of the graph to a certain extent. It will reduce the clutter at small sizes.

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