KWGT Intent URI and macrodroid

Trying to setup an intent URI to trigger a macro in macrodroid and pass data too.

I can already use KWGT to launch shortcuts to macros, but not with more data at the same time.

Macrodroid ‘receive intent’ setup to have action as ‘triggertask’ and one extra key named ‘datatest’ with a string value. This intent works fine when triggered by a ‘send intent’ macro having been given the same action and extra key.

I tried lots of different ideas taken from online but no joy. The most promising so far is below.


I’ve seen developer examples using android-app:// scheme, but I’m really at a loss as to what I’m doing wrong.

Hello there, i want to know if you have found way to trigger macros with intent uri for macrodroid for specific task?

I wish I could say yes, but the only way was with a shell command. Unfortunately, this triggered in the KWGT editor even if the touch action wasn’t fired so it was unreliable. The dev is working on a way of broadcasting an intent so it’s just a matter of time until this is released. I personally can’t wait.

I did found forum on macrodroid that had information but it vague on using through shell command like you said here is forum link Post in thread ‘Playing with Intent URI’

Yes, I was the one who posted it. SJMD and HeWhoDares are the same person, me :joy:

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