KWGT Forecast weather condition text wf(cond, 0) is capitalising every word (

When forecast weather condition wf(cond, 0) contains more than one word, the second word is capitalised. I’d expect the function to only capitalise the first word (using tc(cap,)) if I wanted to capitalise each word (which I don’t).

I use the app in Norwegian, where this is the expected grammar. I believe the same applies for English. :blush:

If this is expected behavior or due to the weather provider ( it would be great if you can:

  1. fix that or
  2. add a text function that let’s us only capitalise the first word of the string (as long the string doesn’t start with a number).

Thank you for a great app. Love spending my tile kustomising!


Hi there,

Try this code snippet to make every sentence capitalized, only its first word.

lv(text, "this is only text, a sample text.")
tc(up, tc(reg, #text, "([A-Za-z])(.*)(\.+)", "$1"))+
tc(low, tc(reg, #text, "([A-Za-z])(.*)(\.+)", "$2$3"))

I hope this would help.