KWCH not Updating?

Hello, I’ve recently been having problems with the app for creating watch faces. The version on my phone is: 3.76b422110 The version on my watch is: 0.01b429114. Unfortunately, the watch face is no longer updating. For example, I have a progress bar for steps or sleep. This is no longer displayed. In the app on my phone, yes.

I have a Galaxy Watch 6 with Wear OS 4.0

I reinstalled the app on my phone, unfortunately, to no avail.

I’ve already reinstalled the app on my watch, but that didn’t work either.

Does anyone have the same problem or does anyone have a tip?

I know it won’t be possible with Wear OS 5, but I haven’t updated anything yet. It hasn’t been offered to me yet.

Thank you for reading.

Go to KWCH’s app settings >> Watch Settings. Set both Global sync mode and Data sync mode to Always. See if that makes a difference.

Thank you, the data is being sent and is arriving. However, the progress bar is still missing.

Is this like a custom progress bar you personally made? Can you share a test preset so we can try to reproduce this issue?

yes, I mean the progressmar with manual values.
I uploaded a screenshot and the kwch file.
as soon as I move it over to the watch, no circle appears.


Got it. Can you share a copy of the preset with this progress bar so we can try to reproduce your issue?

As an example: I set a progress bar with the manual values. Level = current steps, Max= 5000 (daily goal) min = 0. What I noticed is that it doesn’t show the current steps, i.e. the level. If I set the progress bar to battery, it does it. As if it can’t currently read the data from steps and display them.

I have the same problem that recently the variables are no longer transferred to the watch. In the preview on the cell phone everything works, but the variables no matter how the global data is synchronized => no longer synchronizes → no, the variables no longer get much worse written on the clock!

→ BUT I don’t have a solution yet!

Has anyone tested this with 3.77?

I haven’t tested 3.77 yet, but I’m currently doing so and will report back :slight_smile:

I can install the beta on the phone but it doesn’t connect to the watch if I then uninstall the software from the watch and select the watch via KWCH → install I then click on that, KWCH appears on the watch and click there I then install it => but the same result. My beta app on my phone cannot be connected to my watch Samsung wear 4 => the app recognizes the watch but not the KWCH on the watch!

= Oh yes, maybe that’s important. I had the same problem with 3.76


Even with 3.77 I have the same issue: steps are always 0.


0.01b432414 on the watch and 3.77b432414 seem to now see each other.

not always the same for me


I have checked the versione and they are both correct.

On the phone i get the request to fix fitness data:

But if i press “FISSA” (that should mean Fix) nothing happens. The Windows does not disappear.

If I check on FIT the authorizations, KWCH Is fully authorize. But still that Windows appears.

Any suggestion?


I can reproduce this issue. Appears to be a bug and will be reported.

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Any news on this?


no, still no improvement for me → Unfortunately I was very happy with it for years… => can’t you “simply” undo the update?


I was hoping that there was someone working tò Fix this.
