Klwp: Group notifications by notification title

Hello all! I have a panel in my live wallpaper that shows the most recent 5 notifications as well as a total notifications counter. I am looking for a formula that will group these notifications by notification title and add a counter based on number of notifications by that title. Example of what I’d like to see based on the screenshot

(3) Platinum Warriors
(1) LTD Messaging
(1) Screenshot saved
(1) Galaxy store

And ideas? Thanks in advance!
Using Samsung S24+

Did you ever find a way to do this?
Looking for this but with icons, but that might work the same way

Unfortunately I have not. Would still love to, but haven’t found a way to do it

I have found two old topics on Reddit, but haven’t tried either suggested solution yet…



The 2nd one contains something using a shell, which seems promising, but unfortunately I don’t know how to use a/the shell in Kustom…

mind if i ask “notification by that title” is notification have same title, same app, and same notification category? if then so I think it might be possible via tasker (haven’t tried) create 5 global tasker variables for each title and counter and using autonotification plugin to filter from same category or notification title.

I’ll have to check them out later tonight and see if any of them work

No that’s a good question, i would probably say a combination of same app and same title. For example, if i have 2 new texts from my wife, and one from my friend jeff, as well as 3 messages in the ltd messaging app in the group Platinum Warriors I’d like it to roll up like this

Text: Wife (2)
Text: Jeff
LTD Messages: Platinum Warriors (3)

But do you have an idea on how to use (a) shell?