Hello all! I have a panel in my live wallpaper that shows the most recent 5 notifications as well as a total notifications counter. I am looking for a formula that will group these notifications by notification title and add a counter based on number of notifications by that title. Example of what I’d like to see based on the screenshot
mind if i ask “notification by that title” is notification have same title, same app, and same notification category? if then so I think it might be possible via tasker (haven’t tried) create 5 global tasker variables for each title and counter and using autonotification plugin to filter from same category or notification title.
No that’s a good question, i would probably say a combination of same app and same title. For example, if i have 2 new texts from my wife, and one from my friend jeff, as well as 3 messages in the ltd messaging app in the group Platinum Warriors I’d like it to roll up like this
Text: Wife (2)
Text: Jeff
LTD Messages: Platinum Warriors (3)