json lookup issue if there are multiple returns in an filter.
Example gv(json) context
"lines": [ { "startTimeMs": "50", "words": "I get overwhelmed so easily", "syllables": [], "endTimeMs": "0" }, { "startTimeMs": "2730", "words": "My anxiety creeps inside of me", "syllables": [], "endTimeMs": "0" }, { "startTimeMs": "5540", "words": "Makes it hard to breathe", "syllables": [], "endTimeMs": "0" }]
tc(json, gv(json), ".lines[?(@.startTimeMs == 50)].words"
Not working:
tc(json, gv(json), ".lines[?(@.startTimeMs <= 50)].words"
My blind guess is if a lookup returns more than one result it returns none.