Jagged edges on blur effect

When a round shape has blur effect on it, the edge is jagged, while in the editor it’s smooth. I wonder if there are some tricks to make it smooth in live as well.
I don’t mean this, as reponting a bug, sure you are aware of it, rather I’m looking for a workaround, if there is any.

Oneplus 7 pro, aosp a14, 3.76b422110

Wanna share a test preset here so we can try to reproduce your issue?

My bad
Basically any shape, that has a curve, and I set the effect to blur, has this strange edge. It’s not so easy to notice with the original size, also to me took several days, but if I make a ss of the setup and zoom in,(as seen above), it’s definitely there.

Anyway here is the exact shape I was showing:
test_blur.klwp (12.6 KB)