I get "android.intent.action.VOICE_COMMAND" not working (touch action)

I’m trying to get the intent touch action to work. It works great in the shortcut maker. I got it from there too, but it just doesn’t work in KWGT.


I get this from the shortcut maker. I made this from it:


No matter whether as a link or as a flow. It won’t open. Nothing happens.

I don’t have root or anything like that. Everything is original.

Android 15 with Nothing OS 3.0.

My actual goal is to start the Gemini popup instead of the app. This used to work with the Google Assistant. Furthermore, I want to integrate as few apps as possible into my widgets. Therefore, the shortcut maker should be replaced by a KWGT internal function.

I actually managed to do it. I created a flow and just used the intent function. I got help from Gemini. He corrected the intent for me and now it works perfectly.



Awesome! Thank you for sharing the solution.

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