How to create data usage widget with progress?

How to create data usage widget with progress?

I am very new to this app. Please, help me.

You can use the Custom option in the progress object with the traffic stats formulas.

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Thank you, dude.

As I am new here, I will not get the most of it. I would ask for creating such as widget from scratch.

As you are new you should do a google search for Brandon Craft and/or CraftMath. He has a whole series of videos from basic to advanced on programming with KLWP (or KWGT) that are terrific. You can also read Tored’s Kode Guide (A guide to Kode basics) which is especially good for reference.

In general you’ll probably find that people are more willing to help if they see that you have tried to help yourself by doing some work to start. Besides, it’s fun.

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I like this.

In fact, i just need to use these for one thing only, so it does not look like need diving into details, i guess.

Also, my device is not rooted and i don’t want to, probably this point is important to be mentioned.

You can try the following:

  1. Add a progress object
  2. Set its Progress type to Custom
  3. Set Min and Max values. Max would probably be your monthly allowance or any time period you want
  4. Add a formula for the monthly data traffic stats. Since this will include the unit, remove the unit using the formula below.

$tc(cut, ts(mt, a, 1dr1M, 1dr1d), ts(mt, a, 1dr1M, 1dr1d) - 2)$

I hope that helps.

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Many thanks for your effective support, Ace.

It would be solid if illustrated by screenshots. I know this kind of demanding but once i try, i will lose in these steps.

Best regards.

Come on, man. The guys above have pointed you in the right direction and have even dome part of the more “difficult” coding for you. At least you could give it a try yourself…

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I totally agree with you, buddy.

I actually tried using AI, but it seems like I wasn’t on the right track. It ended up being a big waste of time and effort without any results, and honestly, I’ve grown to dislike the app. Despite this, I still have hope :pray:, so I’m willing to give it another shot, but this time with visuals. I don’t want to waste more time or get bored. I hope :pray: you all understand what it’s like to feel lost in this process :earth_americas:.

Still awaiting a response—could you please assist? Your expertise would be greatly appreciated!

I’m having a bit of trouble understanding. Could you please elaborate and share an example? I’d appreciate more details. Thank you!