I’m configuring a KWGT script to show the next calendar event.
I have this formula, which works:
$lv("event", "e0")$[c=$ci(ccolor,lv(event))$]●[/c] $if( df( D, ci( start, lv(event) ) ) = df( D ), "[c=#FFFFFF00]Today[/c]",
df( D, ci( start, lv(event) ) ) = df( D, a1d ), "Tomorrow",
df( "d MMM", ci( start, lv(event) ) ) )$ • $
if( ci( allday, lv(event) ), "",
df( hh:mma, ci( start, lv(event)) ) + " - " )+
ci(title, lv(event))$
I want to change the yellow (FFFFFF00) for a global variable called “highlight”. What’s the syntax?
I’ve tried many combinations, even tried chatGPT, none of them seem to work.