Hey so I’m looking to get the contents of a file (it’s a .md file), and display it on a widget.
I was told to use the wg function, so I put the path into that, used raw, and it’s not returning anything.
Am I doing this correctly, or should I be doing this another way?
Here’s what I’m using rn:
$wg(“/Internal storage/Obsidian Vault/Lists/Tasks/General TODO.md”, raw)$
Hmm ok, so from what I’m understanding is it can only be a .txt file to get the raw data, or can I get a .md file as well?
(It’s not encrypted or anything, just markdown format)
Also I cannot move the file outside the current location since it’s synced in a specific place from a 3rd party app.
Can I use an absolute location?
If this is a markdown file, it should be compatible. As for the location, there’s no guarantee it’ll work outside the Kustom folder. This is due to Google’s change in storage access policy.