Fitness data has become intermittent

I have a widget using fd(steps) which has worked correctly for two years or more, but in the past few weeks has become intermittent. I will open the phone and it will show 0 steps, but if I go into the editor and look at the formula, the value will show up in text preview, and then when I exit the editor the value will show in the widget. But then sometime later, several minutes perhaps, I will look at the widget and it will be 0 again.

This intermittent behavior is not one I have seen reported. It seems my permissions are correct since I get data sometimes, and my battery setting is unrestricted.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, with no improvement.

I tried enabling the persistent notification by changing Notification Mode from Automatic to Force. I have battery set to unrestricted for Kustom and the instructions say “Automatic: use a customizable notification when battery optimized”, so I would expect the notification wouldn’t even show up. It did show up, but that also made no improvement.

It’s really a bummer that I can’t seem to use step data at all. I would appreciate any suggestions.

This could be related to this issue:

P.S. I have also tried reinstalling Google Fit, which is providing my step data, to no avail.

Perhaps. However my issue just started happening in the last few weeks and I have been seeing that message for longer than that. Well in any case it seems I must wait for a new version and hope for a fix.

Most recent versions of Kustom use health API which is different from the old Google FIT Api integration, can you confirm you can see Kustom asking for Health access and health is supported on your device?

Thank you for your reply. Here is what I see…

In Settings/Health Connect/App Permissions I have three apps allowed access: Fit, Kustom Widget, and MyFitnessPal. In Recent access I see Fit Write every 15 minutes or so. I see MyFitnessPal Read and Write when I open the app. I see one Kustom Widget Read, from yesterday evening.

If I place my widget using fd(steps) I see the correct current step count. This persists for about two minutes and then the value displayed goes to 0. I go into the Kustom editor and select the Text item, and then I see the value in Text Preview, and when I exit the editor the widget again displays the correct value, and again this persists for a few minutes and then goes to 0. I do not see new entries from Kustom appear in the Health Connect Recent access.

So, there is nothing to be done?