Fetch only first three characters

Hello there,

I’ve been using the following code to get the Hijri month from an API link.

$wg(“https://api.aladhan.com/v1/gToH?$df(dd/mm/yyyy)”, json, “.data.hijri.month.en”)$

I need your assistance on how I can fetch only the first three characters of the month.

Thanks in advance.

Hi there,

Try these code snippets:

Get the first 3 characters of a text

wg(“https://api.aladhan.com/v1/gToH?$df(dd/mm/yyyy)”, json, “.data.hijri.month.en”)
, 3)

Get the last 3 characters of a text

wg(“https://api.aladhan.com/v1/gToH?$df(dd/mm/yyyy)”, json, “.data.hijri.month.en”)
, -3)

I hope this would help.