Can't find premission tab for fitness

So I was maker a watchface and I wanted steps so I went to the fitness tab and it said needed permission, so I clicked manage and it brought me to the app info tab. I clicked on permissions but no fitness option and everything on.

What to do

Kustom apps use Health Connect to track fitness data so enable that permission instead.

Have the same issue.Permissions are granted, but KWCH keeps nagging about ‘Fitness data’.
Also KWCH does not seem to request data from Health connect. Only Samsung Health shows up.

Reported that bug months ago.
They are Just ignoring It


Might reconsider switching back to watchmaker… Unfortunate…


That Is exactly what i did and what i suggest to my friends.


It looks like @frank is already aware of this issue.

THis shouldnt be happening on latest release is it still occurring?