Can't access files in Kustom folder

I’ve been using a clock I programmed for years now, and I used conditionals and paths to switch between night and day colors. One day, though, all the images I used to load woth the conditionals stoped working. I figured this was because of the file access policy changes, and tried moving my images to the Kustom folder, but I still couldn’t load them there.
My old code:
$if(df(H)<18, if(df(H)<6, “file:///storage/emulated/0/klwp/Kustom/Clock/slicenight.png”, “file:///storage/emulated/0/klwp/Kustom/Clock/sliceday.png”), “file:///storage/emulated/0/klwp/Kustom/Clock/slicenight.png”)$

I also tried creating a text object with the function:
$sh(“cat /storage/emulated/0/klwp/Kustom/foo”)$
And got premission denied. That file is just a text file in that directory that says “bar”.

By the way, I also tried just doing “/Kustom/Clock/sliceday.png” etc

Even stranger: I got something to load from /Kustom/images, but it doesn’t actually display on my wallpaper despite displaying on the preview. My conditionals still don’t work even on the preview.

See my comment in Cannot read image. It seems to be related to have formulas in the fields rather than simply a bitmap image.

Can confirm. Freetyping as an image source no longer works. Only $tu or the filepicker seems able to request permission to load an image.

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Same issue here. Hopefully this gets fixed soon!