I’ve been using a clock I programmed for years now, and I used conditionals and paths to switch between night and day colors. One day, though, all the images I used to load woth the conditionals stoped working. I figured this was because of the file access policy changes, and tried moving my images to the Kustom folder, but I still couldn’t load them there.
My old code:
$if(df(H)<18, if(df(H)<6, “file:///storage/emulated/0/klwp/Kustom/Clock/slicenight.png”, “file:///storage/emulated/0/klwp/Kustom/Clock/sliceday.png”), “file:///storage/emulated/0/klwp/Kustom/Clock/slicenight.png”)$
I also tried creating a text object with the function:
$sh(“cat /storage/emulated/0/klwp/Kustom/foo”)$
And got premission denied. That file is just a text file in that directory that says “bar”.