Cannot select the working folder and export my widgets


Not satisfied with the launcher of my new head-unit, I decided to install Nova Launcher and started to make a full home screen with KWGT like I do on my Phone.
After many weeks of work, I wanted to backup on my computer, thinking the files was on my SD card, I found nothing.
To export the Widget the only option is to select a working folder for KWGT, but this does not work, the app hang and does not open nothing.

I am afraid of losing many weeks of work and don’t find a way to backup the widget!

After more investigation, there is no DocumentsUI app in system/priv-app. KWGT does not try to open another file manager to select this folder like others apps do.
For example the import/export cameras settings option on tinyCam PRO worked after installing FileManager+.

I tried to install DocumentsUIGoogle but the app does not work (crash or does not list anything).
I tried to search on system folder like /data or access shared preferences from ADB, I am not allowed to do anything.

When I click on “Select Folder” I have this error message:

[20/11/2024 at 02:53:12] 11-20 02:53:11.773   825  3409 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE (has extras)} from uid 10155, pid 29845
[20/11/2024 at 02:53:12] 11-20 02:53:11.773   825  3409 I ActivityTaskManager: ->startActivity for Intent { act=android.intent.action.OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE (has extras) } result:START_INTENT_NOT_RESOLVED
[20/11/2024 at 02:53:12] 11-20 02:53:11.775 29845 29845 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{org.kustom.widget/}: android.c[20/11/2024 at 02:53:12] ontent.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE (has extras) }
[20/11/2024 at 02:53:12] 11-20 02:53:11.775 29845 29845 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.OPEN_DOCUMENT_TR[20/11/2024 at 02:53:12] EE (has extras) }
[20/11/2024 at 02:53:12] 11-20 02:53:11.777 29845 29845 E d       : Exception: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{org.kustom.widget/}: android.content.ActivityNotFound[20/11/2024 at 02:53:12] Exception: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE (has extras) }
[20/11/2024 at 02:53:12] 11-20 02:53:11.777 29845 29845 E d       : java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{org.kustom.widget/}: android.content[20/11/2024 at 02:53:12] .ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE (has extras) }
[20/11/2024 at 02:53:12] 11-20 02:53:11.777 29845 29845 E d       : Caused by: android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE (ha[20/11/2024 at 02:53:12] s extras) }

For the moment the only thing I found is to select each group layers and export as a JSON file even If I don’t know what I could do with this files.

I do not understand why there is no a simple Export or Share button to save our widgets. I tried with KWLP it’s the same result, only v3.55 worked.

Please provide me a solution, If this thing crash I will lose all my work…

Do you have a folder called Kustom in your system like the one you were prompted to make when you installed the app. Eveything you have saved in the app shiuld be in here. You can export kustom project by hitting the hamburger menu in the top left of the editor and hitting export. Also rebuilding the widgets and/of wallpapers with the JSON data is pretty easy if that will work for you to.

I don’t selected a working folder when I started the app because it does not work. I have a folder called Kustom on /sdcard/Kustom with a fonts directory in it, but there is nothing inside.

I can’t export this widget because instead of prompting where I want to send the file, the app want to save it in a working folder.
It worries me because I don’t know where the files are now, and if something happen, head-unit/sdcard crash, firmware or app update, I will lose all this work.

The directory /sdcard/Android/data/org.kustom.widget/ only contains image and cache folder.

The splitted files I managed to export are like this:

  "clip_version": 1,
  "clip_cut": [],
  "clip_modules": [
      "internal_type": "StackLayerModule",
      "internal_title": "Car Infos",
      "config_stacking": "HORIZONTAL_CENTER",
      "position_anchor": "TOPRIGHT",
      "position_offset_x": 10.0,
      "position_offset_y": 6.0,
      "internal_events": [
          "type": "SINGLE_TAP",
          "action": "NONE"
      "internal_toggles": {
        "config_visible": 10
      "internal_formulas": {
        "config_visible": "$if(gv(lite), REMOVE, ALWAYS)$"
      "viewgroup_items": [
          "internal_type": "FontIconModule",
          "internal_toggles": {
            "icon_icon": 10,
            "paint_color": 10
          "internal_formulas": {
            "icon_icon": "$if(nc(bt) \u0026 br(tasker, phone_connected), Smartphone, Phonelink_erase)$",
            "paint_color": "$if(br(tasker, phone_connected), #FFFFFFFF, gv(disabled))$"
          "icon_icon": "phonelink_erase",
          "icon_size": 20.0,
          "position_padding_right": 3.0
          "internal_type": "TextModule",
          "text_expression": "$if(gv(ltasker) \u003d 0, unknow, nc(bt) \u0026 br(tasker, phone_connected), Find x3 Neo, disconnected)$",
          "position_padding_right": 16.0,
          "text_size": 18.0
          "internal_type": "FontIconModule",
          "icon_set": "kfile://org.kustom.widget.provider/icons/fontawesome.ttf",
          "icon_icon": "plug",
          "icon_size": 18.0,
          "position_padding_right": 5.0,
          "internal_toggles": {
            "paint_color": 10
          "internal_formulas": {
            "paint_color": "$if(gv(ltasker) \u0026 br(tasker, BATTERY_VOLTS) \u003c 11, gv(failed), #FFFFFFFF)$"
          "internal_type": "TextModule",
          "text_expression": "$if(gv(ltasker), br(tasker, BATTERY_VOLTS), \"~\")$V",
          "position_padding_right": 22.0,
          "internal_events": [
              "type": "SINGLE_TAP",
              "action": "NONE"
          "text_size": 18.0

With these files I can rebuild the widget? How can I import these files in KWGT?

Is this a widget or komponent? And what device are you using, is it rooted?

It’s a “big” widget on my home screen with a lot of info and controls (nav bar, side bar, menu bar). I wanted to create a complete UI like what I was expected from a modern car radio, not what I received. I used tasker on the device and my phone to add extra info (battery, temperature, phone connection).

The device is a Hengchen UIS8581a, Android 10. I don’t think is rooted, even to connect with ADB I had to reverse engineered the settings app to find the dynamic password (to switch the USB connection).
And when I managed to connect from my computer, each time I try to do something it said that I am not allowed to do that (I cannot use su, connect as root or us run-as). I don’t know why I kept-it, more than 3 months its on my desktop to try to do something.

The app DocumentsUI is missing and I also cannot grant permission to an app to access a USB stick…

For Nova Launcher it said that the app DocumentsUI is missing and I cannot select a folder to backup the settings, but there is another option to export/import the backup file elsewhere, what I do.

This app is just to pick a path, or like on the iPhone to obtain a permission token to authorize the app to access a directory ?
Is there an alternative to tell KWGT to use the Kustom folder on the sdcard?

I’m having the same issue. Pixel 9 Fold, a15.

It happened first about a month ago after I set up Personal Space. Deleting Personal Space, then rebooting, fixed it.

Now I cannot get it to set up a new folder no matter what I do. I tried installing apks going back to 2022, but same problem.

I was able to assign a working folder, and the process appears to be repeatable - I just don’t know why it’s working!

  • install Termux
  • install KWGT
  • when selecting a folder, tap the 3 lines in the upper left
  • select Termux, and assign it as the working folder
  • assign a working folder again, but this time use whatever you want

I’ve repeated this twice now

If anyone of the team could help me to resolve this issue, find a workaround or add a feature to export/import a widget.
Is the widget saved in /data/ ? Even from ADB I could not show the files in this directory…
And as now, I thought the files was in /sdcard/Android/data/.... With ADB I could have taken backup of this directory.

I exported each part of the widget in JSON but it take a lot of time, and I have a lot of Global variables.