Can you add to the time?

I’m trying to add a number to the time to see what the time will be with the added number but this: $(df(hh:mm) + x$ obviously doesn’t work. is there a way to see what the time will be in blank minutes?

$df(hh:mm:ss,a10hh)$ or $df(hh:mm:ss,a10mm)$ works for me

why “a10hh” doesn’t show in documentation ? where i can find more hidden formula ?

a(integer) and r(integer) IS in the documentation for various other functions, I suppose it just wasn’t worth repeating for every single thing it applies to. I actually guessed at it (then tried it), as I use it a lot with the ce() function

i see, thanks for your advice

This is documented in the function docs:

There is an example:

$df(EEE, a1d)$ Tomorrow's short day name

You can use ‘a/r’ (add/remove) operators, so, for example ‘a12m3s’ will add 12 minutes and 3 secs to current date.


I really must read that documentation sometime :sweat_smile:

omg its there, i didn’t realize that.
thank you frank

Thanks, and is there a way to add a global to the time? for example: $df(h:mm,a$gv(counter)$m$
im trying to add the number from counter to the time, is this possible?

for example: $df(h:mm,a$gv(counter)$m$
im trying to add the number from counter to the time, is this possible?

That should work yes but use

$df(h:mm, a + gv(counter) + m)$

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