Beta builds? Release channel

Hello this is specifically request for dev for beta builds channel. I am recently started using Obtainium which is really good at tracking updates through the github and f-droid and interestingly through the direct weburl of apk. so what i want is web url specifically that is made for kustom beta apps such as where kwgt release has
following “” but beta release has something like following “Search results for 'download/KWGT/beta/latest' - Kustom Forum” thus it eliminates the need of going to kustom docs website to check the beta build url for each app if new update is released it would then be renamed to the beta version number much like how releases are stored example :- “Search results for 'download/KWGT/beta/785' - Kustom Forum” but the most recent beta build apk have place at “Search results for 'download/KWGT/beta/latest' - Kustom Forum” this little change i don’t know but probably will make easier for potential beta testers as well as dev to not go through the hassle of waiting for google to review and approve beta builds and will reach the beta testers quickly.
Note :- I have tried downloading using following url(latest) which downloads latest release apk but there is no url for beta version so that’s why I created post asking for this please let me know if there is static url for the beta apk.
Thank you for reading. @frank @Ace

The APK download page needs to be rewritten since i use as a backend (Microsoft App Center) which is going to be deprecated early next year. I will make the APKs available through cloud storage but from a website point of view not much should change.

Re your specific point i have subscribed to an issue on Obtainium repo were another user was asking about making a machine readable format part of the supported plugins:

Once they add this capability i can then generate the proper format so it can be easily parsed by it.

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Awesome Can’t wait for obtainium dev to implement it. thanks, you are awesome dev. :smile:

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