Quick question about character limit on text element

Greetings everyone,

Does anybody know how many characters can be inserted into a text element in the Kustome preset?

I am trying to insert a long text into a single text element, set the element to allow multiline, but it seems that there is a limitation on the length of the text.

Thank you for any shared information.

I’m not sure, but that’s easily tested by just entering 1234567890 multiple times until the text gets limited and then count the number of times a 0 is shown (times 10) + the number of digits shown after the last 0.


Nice trick, RonC.

I calculated the amount, but there is severe lag at this number. It is over 50,000 lines of 25 characters


These are the characters I used and the grand total is approximately 1,250,000 characters, depending on which ones since they have different widths.


Thank you for experimenting on the character count. :pray::smiling_face:

I was trying to load a song lyric but somehow it got cut after a certain number of lines and characters.

Can you share the wg formula from the Kode Editor?

I just use the $wg(mi(title), txt)$ function to retrieve the lyrics from the text file.

I hope this would help.

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