Preset homescreen

Hi. Im new here, so excuse my silly question.
I have downloaded all the apps, but i am unable to get any preset designs.
I just want a simple and cool looking homescreen and thought id be able to find sime presets or componants easily. Can you help?

A simple Google search led me to this old Reddit Post with lots of freebies to try out.

There are many other free presets posted in the Sub-Reddit group for kustom. Lots of helpful people in there too.
Being new, please check out Brandon Kraft on Youtube. He’s posted tons of great tutorial videos and even links to his website with more free content.

You will eventually find out that you too can create your own presets with these many free examples and even customize some existing ones to your own liking. Enjoy!

Also, you will need the payed versions of the apps to be able to import presets.

Thanks. I got the paid apps. Just need to find out how to imoirt a preset…

Did you download something? An app with presets from the Play Store? Or a preset somewhere from the internet?