My live wallpaper is not applied [SOLVED]


As per subject, I designed my very first wallpaper. Very basic it has clock and date. Using Nova launcher. When I try to apply it everything seems to work fine, but wallpaper is not applied. Same on UI launcher. Am I missing something?

I have managed to apply wallpaper now, but clock and date just will not refresh. It does refresh in the but not on wallpaper when I apply it. I switched off all battery optimasition options, gave all permissions, disabled rendering. I ran out of ideas now.

I have the latest android, using Nova Launcher, my phone is Samsung S23 Ultra.

Any suggestions massively appreciated.

For everyone who can be as silly as me. I fixed it, I was not aware that KLWP is not meant for screen lock. If I apply to home screen only all work really well.

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