Localpath broken in 3.77

In 3.77 of Klwp and Klck i cant get any pictures via localpath (maybe other information too). Downgrading to 3.76 fixed it for me.

$tu(rndimg, gv(settings/walltime), “/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Backdrops/”)$

Someone on Reddit suggested to use the Kustom folder thats bound to KLWP but that also didn’t work at all.

I am building a Preset that shuffles through pictures from a specified folder so i need it to work, i hope this gets fixed :slight_smile:

Stick with the Kustom folder to avoid access issues and use the format below.

$tu(rndimg, gv(settings/walltime), “/Kustom/pictures/backdrops”)$

I tried this too, because a user on Reddit had also suggested it, but it unfortunately didn’t work for me, which is why I went back to 3.76.

Did you use this new path format instead of the “/storage/emulated/0…”?

Oh i didn’t think it would make any difference, sorry. I will try it later :slight_smile: