KLWP not being used/loaded upon reboot

This has started only recently (yesterday and today). I have to manually re-set Kustom to be the home screen wallpaper. This is a Pro (using key app) install at version 3.77b435216 and has not been updated recently.

I may have noticed something yesterday that MAY be involved… After re-setting the home screen wallpaper, I suddenly was shown a page from Play Store which said it could not connect. At the time I was in a health clinic using their wifi, I think. So maybe there was a problem in trying to verify the Pro status via Play Store? Seems far fetched and possibly un-related to my issue. But…


I don’t think this has anything to do with your Pro status as this is not a pro-specific feature. If you continue to experience this, I suggest you report this to [email protected] as the app could be crashing in the background.

As always, thanks to you! All I can say is that, thankfully, this has not happened again. I have no idea what was happening. Best!

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