I there any limlitation in the size of the file

I have a widget multi Tab, everything fine
I thought to have 3 differents sets of each Tab
I’ve done for 2 sets all fine

Now started with the third set : starting to work fine
adding some part from inidividaul widget and KWGT stopping with no message , I think it’s probably a maximum size of the source

Could you confirm ? I there a way to extend the size : My widget is now with 5,2 Mo because 2 sets of clock, 1 set of app, 2 sets of Weather, 3 sets of Music, 1 set with News

Hi there,

I am not sure if there is a limit to the file size for KWGT, KLWP, KLCK, and KWCH. But I used to create a KLWP preset which had a bunch of images, its file size is 16MB and it worked fine.

Recently, I tend to minimize the file size of either KWGT or KLWP presets I create, because I want them to be as light as possible.

I hope this would help.
:smiley: :+1:

Yes with images but how is it with many presets in one ?
I don’t think it’s the size by itself but number of elements

Just rechecked and it’s an issue with copy (from another widget) and paste into mine

In every preset, the maximum number of root elements are 92 elements.

The number of child elements is unlimited, as far as I know.

I hope this would help.

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I kinda lost with your message here. Would you please enlightment me about what did you mean by how many presets in one?
